Txeo v0.1
A Developer-Friendly TensorFlow C++ Wrapper
▼Ntxeo | |
CDeviceInfo | Bundle of device information |
CMatrix | A class representing a matrix, derived from Tensor |
CMatrixError | Exceptions concerning txeo::Matrix |
CMatrixIO | A class to read file data to matrix and to write file data to a matrix |
CMatrixIOError | Exceptions concerning txeo::MatrixIO |
CPredictor | Class that deals with the main tasks of prediction (inference) |
CPredictorError | |
CTensor | Implements the mathematical concept of tensor, which is a magnitude of multiple order. A tensor of order zero is defined to be a scalar, of order one a vector, of order two a matrix and so on. Each order of the tensor has a dimension. Elements are addressed via multidimensional indexing |
CTensorAgg | A utility class for aggregation functions on tensors |
CTensorAggError | Exceptions concerning txeo::TensorAgg |
CTensorError | Exceptions concerning txeo::Tensor |
CTensorFunc | A utility class for common math functions on tensors |
CTensorFuncError | Exceptions concerning txeo::TensorOp |
CTensorIO | This class is deprecated. Please use class txeo::MatrixIO |
CTensorIOError | Exceptions concerning txeo::TensorIO |
CTensorIterator | |
CTensorOp | A utility class for performing operations on tensors and vectors |
CTensorOpError | Exceptions concerning txeo::TensorOp |
CTensorPart | A utility class for partitioning tensors |
CTensorPartError | Exceptions concerning txeo::Tensor |
CTensorShape | The shape of a tensor is an ordered collection of dimensions of mathematical vector spaces |
CTensorShapeError | Exceptions concerning txeo::TensorShape |
CVector | A class representing a vector, derived from Tensor |
CVectorError | Exceptions concerning txeo::Vector |